Passing On A Tradition 20” x 20” art quilt. 2013.
DONATED to Quilt Alliance
(“Twenty” contest by The Alliance for American Quilts, 2013. This quilt won an Honorable Mention prize at the competition.)
As part of their fund-raising efforts, the Quilt Alliance sponsored the Twenty contest, celebrating their twenty years of effort. Quilters were asked to create a quilt with the broad theme of “twenty”.
This quilt recognizes 200+ years of quilting in America and twenty years of the Quilt Alliance organization uniting the quilting world. Each corner contains a version of our evolving American flag. The twenty quilt blocks along the border symbolize the diversity of quilt creativity and twenty years of the Alliance. The center, my drawing of a woman teaching a young girl to quilt, recognizes the importance of sharing quilting skills to ensure that this unique medium continues on through new generations of quilters. Quilting matters!
Construction: Appliqué, raw-edge appliqué, commercial cotton fabrics, monofilament and cotton