(“Twenty” contest by The Alliance for American Quilts, 2013. This quilt won an Honorable Mention prize at the competition.)
As part of their fund-raising efforts, the Quilt Alliance sponsored the Twenty contest, celebrating their twenty years of effort. Quilters were asked to create a quilt with the broad theme of “twenty”.
This quilt recognizes 200+ years of quilting in America and twenty years of the Quilt Alliance organization uniting the quilting world. Each corner contains a version of our evolving American flag.
The twenty quilt blocks along the border symbolize the diversity of quilt creativity and twenty years of the Alliance. The center, my drawing of a woman teaching a young girl to quilt, recognizes the importance of sharing quilting skills to ensure that this unique medium continues on through new generations of quilters. Quilting matters!
Construction: Appliqué, raw-edge appliqué, commercial cotton fabrics, monofilament and cotton
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