Selfie – Ashley and Dr. Pecker 16” x 14” Art quilt. 2014.
Donation, bought back & Gifted to Ashley Denney (Donation art quilt for 2014 Quilt Alliance fundraiser “Inspired By”)
As part of their 2014 fund-raising efforts, the Quilt Alliance sponsored their Inspired By contest. Quilters were asked to choose a quilt from the Quilt Alliance’s Quilt Index and design and create a quilt inspired by it. I chose a quilt made in 1951 by a woman in Arizona with appliqued children and chickens on it.
Then, I used a selfie (a self-portrait photograph taken by a camera phone) that my niece Ashley sent me of her and one of her pets as my inspiration for my design. Ashley’s silly selfie captures her personality and that of her chicken Dr. Pecker. In this age of portable technology one can truly capture interesting, whimsical, wonderful moments!
Construction: Turned-edge applique and raw-edge applique using commercial cotton fabric, cotton batting, cotton, polyester and monofilament threads, fabric inks, colored pencils, pastels.