The Eyes Have It (Zebra) 26” x 25” art quilt (positive version of “Between The Linez” art quilt). 2005.
Price: $1,580 ($3,000 for both art quilts)
This quilt was a project created during a color class. The assignment was to create something that represented “Simultaneous Contrast”; direct compliments placed next to each other to build intensity. I chose a close-up of a zebra, using black and white.
The design was cut from a single piece of black fabric and mounted on a white background. My biggest challenge was machine quilting this project. The contrast of the black and white was so intense that I had to take many breaks to let my eyes rest!
Construction: Raw-edge applique using commercial cotton fabrics; cotton batting: cotton threads.
Designed (using a photo as inspiration), created and quilted by Rhonda Denney.
Animals use their sight to survive, to find food or avoid becoming food.
Martin Buber said, “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” To me animal eyes are a large part of their distinctiveness and character. I love the challenge of recreating that in my art.