In November 2013, this tiny elephant was rescued from a deep-sided drying waterhole in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya. Luckily for her, local ranger trainees heard her distressed baby screams throughout the night. Her mother and the herd had abandoned her because she could not extract herself from the hole. The rangers contacted the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust headquarters in…
ORIGINAL IS SOLD I passed by this wonderful, rustic old house/barn on my drive each month to our Westcliffe Quilters & Fiber Arts (WCQFA) guild meetings so I chose this view for my window. I was "inspired" by the photo, but took artistic license to only include the old house/barn. There was a painted horse there most times, but I…
(Entry in the Face of Fiber in the Rockies 2015 (June 2015), presented by the Fiber Arts Council of Estes (FACE), specifically as an entry in the special Estes Park 100th Anniversary theme.) I liked the idea of the traditional merging with the contemporary, using the traditional Bear Paw pieced blocks complimented by a raw-edge applique of a large golden…
Price: $1,580 ($3,000 for both art quilts) This quilt was a surprising additional quilt for a project created during a color class. The assignment was to create something that represented “Simultaneous Contrast”; direct compliments placed next to each other to build intensity. I chose a close-up of a zebra, using black and white. The design was cut from a single…
When I think of living under the western sun, my mind goes to the Bighorn Sheep, a natural symbol of the Rocky Mountains. The males, called rams, are famous for their large, curled horns, sometimes weighing 30 pounds or more. During the mating season, you can hear the resounding clash of Bighorns throughout the mountains as rams fight to compete…
Most animals use their sight to survive, either to find food or to avoid becoming food. Not all animals see the world in the same way and eyes are unique to each species. Animals are constantly alert to the environment around them; their survival depends on that. Martin Buber said, “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great…
This was part of our Westcliffe Guild (WCQFA) Group’s Telephone Challenge. One person started with a photograph and made a piece inspired by it. That piece was given to another who then created their piece inspired by not only the fiber piece, but the key aspects communicated along with it. This continued to several people, each only looking at the…
I have always been intrigued by the Chameleon. With independently movable eyes and color-changing abilities, as well as the unusual pincer-like feet, this odd little reptile character fascinates me. I wanted to capture the character of this incredible lizard in my fiber art. The nubby texture of the silk noil fabric took my pigments well, allowing me to create the…
ORIGINAL IS SOLD Most animals use their sight to survive, either to find food or to avoid becoming food. Not all animals see the world in the same way and eyes are unique to each species. Animals are constantly alert to the environment around them; their survival depends on that. Martin Buber said, “An animal’s eyes have the power to…
This was a fun challenge done with the Quilters Above the Clouds (QAC) guild in Woodland Par, CO. For this challenge, each of us pulled an item from three different bags, representing the characters, rooms and weapons from the classic board game called Clue. I picked Mrs. Peacock, the Kitchen, and a Rope. After thinking about this challenge, I decided…
Our two dogs, Mason & Moxie, travel everywhere with my husband. They have a special shelf in the back of his pickup truck where they can relax and yet keep an eye on things while riding along. They are my husband’s Co-Pilots! A photograph inspired this piece. Note added: Both dogs passed away in 2020; Both were approximately 14 years…
Most animals use their sight to survive, either to find food or to avoid becoming food. Not all animals see the world in the same way and eyes are unique to each species. Animals are constantly alert to the environment around them; their survival depends on that. Martin Buber said, “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great…