Created to contribute to the 2023 Studio Art Quilters Associates (SAQA) spotlight auction, this piece represents the state that I now reside in, Kansas. Sunflowers seem to me to be such happy flowers, capturing a bit of sunshine, each adding a bright spot in the fields of green.
This grove of Aspen trees in a mountain setting is composed of many small pieces of fabrics, using a technique called Confetti Collage. I created this as a sampler and pattern for a class I teach called Confetti Landscapes. I used stitching and pigments to add more color and dimension. Construction: Small fabric pieces with larger fabric pieces under tulle. …
ORIGINAL IS SOLD Set of 3 individual 5” x 7” art quilts. (Micro Cosmos – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, competition sponsored by Ricky Tims Art Quilt Studio, LaVeta, CO) This set of Postcard (5x7) quilts was created as part of a quilt challenge issued by Ricky Tims called Micro Cosmos: Little Worlds. The theme was “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. The…
ORIGINAL IS SOLD An inspired early morning view of a wine cask and grapes in a vineyard at the Winery at the Abbey, Canon City, Colorado. Construction: Photo transfer to fabric of my original drawing of The Abbey buildings, enhanced with inks; Raw-edge appliqué and trapunto appliqué using commercial cotton and polyester fabrics; polyester batting: cotton, polyester and monofilament threads, pigments and inks.
ORIGINAL IS SOLD This vale of Aspen trees with their fall colors is composed of many small pieces of fabrics, using a technique called Confetti Collage. I created this as a sampler and pattern for a class I teach called Confetti Landscapes. I used stitching and pigments to add more color and dimension. Construction: Small fabric pieces with larger fabric…
ORIGINAL IS SOLD 3 individual 5” x 7” art quilts. (Micro Cosmos – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, competition sponsored by Ricky Tims Art Quilt Studio, LaVeta, CO. This triptych won “Most Innovative Design” award and “Peoples Choice” award.) This set of Postcard (5x7) quilts was created as part of a quilt challenge issued by Ricky Tims called Micro Cosmos: Little…
(Commission quilt. Inspired by Sunrise At Cap Rock, using a different color scheme and made into a bed quilt. 2007.) A gentleman saw my Sunrise at Cap Rock quilt and asked me to create a bed quilt for his daughter Kelli. He told me she loved pinks, purples and silver. I added stripes to the top and bottom of the…
A photograph taken of the Murano Waterway, Italy, was enlarged and divided into four vertical pieces (Slices). Someone different then quilted each slice using whatever techniques they wanted to use. The four pieces were then hung together to reassemble the photo image. This is only my slice. Construction: Turned- and Raw-edge applique using commercial cotton fabric; polyester batting; cotton, polyester…
The fields are such a rich, dark green in the early summer months. The bright golden yellow of Sunflowers really pop and are such a delight to the eyes! The background is a piece of my sun-dyed fabric. I used pigments as well as stitching to create this piece. There are many kinds of fabric that make up the composition.…
This sunrise in a mountain setting is composed of many small pieces of fabrics, using a technique called Confetti Collage. I created this as a sampler and pattern for a class I teach called Confetti Landscapes. I used stitching and pigments to add more color and dimension. Construction: Small fabric pieces with larger fabric pieces under tulle. Polyester batting; cotton,…
This quilt was a result of a quilting Color Class assignment to create an art quilt that used analogous colors (colors adjacent to each other on the color wheel). I challenged myself to use three-quarters of the color wheel in this quilt. I gave the finished quilt to my husband, Ray Fallen, as a surprise gift at his retirement ceremony…
The Westcliffe Contemporary Quilters and Fiber Artists (WCQFA) guild, Westcliffe, Colorado, issued a challenge to its members: To create a 12” x 12” art quilt illustrating our own interpretation of a topic utilizing many aspects of quilting, edging and surface design. The resulting quilts were shown at several galleries and quilt shows. Topic Word: Technology I loved the juxtaposition of…