8-wk GPC Challenge 10% Discount Code Expires Tonight!

Yes! You can still use my special 10% discount towards my 8-wk Get Pigment Confident (GPC) Challenge, but you need to do it today! Here is the deal! I would love to have you join me for my upcoming 8-wk Get Pigment Confident (GPC) Challenge. You will have to act fast though! This next Challenge starts Saturday, June 11, 2022.


My article is in Art Quilting Studio magazine!

I am excited to announce that my article “Using a Different Perspective” has been published! It is in Stampington’s Art Quilting Studio magazine, Summer 2022 edition. I am honored to be part of several other amazing art quilters who have their work in this edition.


Can I Fix It?

This week's topic is about fixing or correcting your work when you have used pigments and do not like the results. My example for this newsletter is Mother Teresa - Let Us Begin, 24" x 24". This piece was created for a 2014 Notable Women Initiative Call for Entry by the Rogue Art Quilters of Ashland, Oregon. The image at the top is the final version of this award-winning piece.


Is Coloring on Fabric like Coloring on Paper?

If you think about it, this is a very good question! Is coloring on fabric like coloring on paper? There is not a simple, straightforward answer to this question! In this week's newsletter, and later ones as well, I will explore this in more detail. But you may not be happy with my answer. And, as much as I hate saying this, the only way to truly answer the question is to say "It depends!".


How Did I Do It? Hans My Hedgehog

Yes, that is a hedgehog. Well actually, technically, it is a half-hedgehog-half-human. And yes, he is holding a pair of bag-pipes. And he is riding a rooster. Not just any rooster, a "shod" cock-rooster - see his fancy shoes?


Are You An Artist?

Do you consider yourself an Artist?  So, what is an "artist"?  There are many different definitions and nuances when it comes to deciding what an artist really is.  Can we be so bold as to claim to be an artist?  I think "Yes"!  


Creating a Content Strategy

New Years day was just as cold if not colder! Our day was spent getting in and out of layers of warm weather gear so we could feed the horses and goats making sure they had a constant supply of hay throughout the day. That fiber was important because it would help keep them warm. We also had to muck (clean) the corral of frozen manure to make it safer. It took longer to get dressed and undressed than to do the chores! Ha!


Allenspark Workshop

Group photo from my 3-day Fabric Collage workshop at the Twisted Scissors Quilt Retreat in Allenspark, Colorado, October 9-11, 2018. We ended up getting over 10" of snow and had fun digging our cars out! Thanks ladies! It was fun!

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